起英文名可以用希腊罗马神话、圣经、文学名著中的人名 或用山川河流 鸟兽鱼虫 花卉树木的名或者 有看指环王的话也可以用里面的一些名字或者字典里的一些单词也可以作为名字希腊罗马神话的话可以用赫尔墨斯Hermes 聪明智慧的象征文学名著可以去翻指环王里的 Earrame''海的翅膀'' Tulkas''勇士''山川河流我就不知道了 鸟兽鱼虫花卉树木可以再网上找花卉树木我只知道一个 叫玛格丽特Marguerite 雏菊 不怎适合你既然叫“伟”那就叫Willam
二、跪求 各种花的名称 (要英文的) 。越多越好の
玫瑰花/月季花——Rose;牡丹花/芍药花——Peony;海棠花——Begonia flowers;樱花——Cherry;梅花——Plum;荷花——Lotus;水仙花——Narcissus;山茶花——Camellia;杜鹃花——Azaleas;含笑花——Michelia flowers;茉莉花——Jasmine;凤仙花——Impatiens;鸡冠花——Celosia;牵牛花——Morning glory;金银花——Honeysuckle;兰花——Orchid;桂花——Osmanthus fragrans;迎春花——Winter jasmine;菊花——Chrysanthemum;紫罗兰花——Violet flowers;郁金香——Tulip;美人蕉——Canna;马蹄莲——Zantedeschia;百合花——Lily
peach blossom,sakura,violet,rosemary,hyacinth
范玮琪 - 那些花儿英文版
Where Have All the Flowers Gone
those laughter lets me remind of my those flower
in Each corner in my life quietly open for me
I used to think I will guard forever by the side of them
today we have already been seperated in the boundless crowd
ain't they all old?
Where they r?
We are thus disperse in separated worlds apart...
la la la la la… misses her.
la la la la la ......Does she still open?
la la la la la …… let it go.
They have already been blew away by the breeze , disperse in each corner of the earth
Some stories ain't spoken it's doesn't matter......
Those moods can not been distinguish the true or false in the years
Now here the bleak grass cluster glow thickly without the blossom flowers
cherish your owned spring summer autumn&winter.....
la la la la la…… misses her
la la la la la… Does she still open?
la la la la la la …… let it go........
They have already been blew away by the breeze . disperse in each corner of the earth
ain't they all old?
Where they r?
We are thus disperse in separated worlds apart...
where have all the flowers gone?
where the flowers gone?
where have all the young girls gone?
where did they all gone?
where have all the young men gone?
where the soldiers gone?
where have all the graveyards gone?
where have all they gone?