sunflower 向日葵——朝阳花
向日葵又叫朝阳花,因其花常朝着太阳而得名。英语称之为sunflower却不是因为它的这一特性,而是因为它的黄花开似太阳的缘故,虽然sunflower也多少带着“向日”的含义。sunflower一词是16世纪~17世纪从拉丁语flos solis借译过来的。向日葵的法语和意大利语名称tournesol,girasol同汉语名称一样,也是基于“向日”这一特性来命名的。美国堪萨斯州因盛产向日葵有Sunflower State的别称。
(1) 生日花:向日葵(Sunflower)花语:太阳(The Sun)向日葵具有向光性,人们称它为「太阳花」,随太阳回绕的花。在古代的印加帝国,它是太阳神的象徵。因此向日葵的花语就是-太阳。受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,具有一颗如太阳般明朗、快乐的心。他是许多人倾慕、仰赖的对象,也因此他始终无法安定下来,并认真的接受一份感情,具有晚婚的倾向。
(2) 生日花:野生向日葵(Perennial Sunflower)花语:投缘(Affinity)野生向日葵的用途很广:种子可以做成点心、还可以提炼食用油、叶片是家畜喜爱的饲料、花可以做成染料等。它和我们的日常生活可是息息相关的,是一种和人类相当投缘的植物。因此,它的花语是-投缘。受到这种花祝福而生的人是理想的情人,更是最佳的终生伴侣。为了让你的他(她)早日出现,请主动积极一点。
(3) 光辉、高傲、忠诚、爱慕
(4) 向日葵的花语是勇敢的去追求自己想要的幸福
(5) 向日葵花语:爱慕、光辉、忠诚 ,也有假高利贷的意思
(6) 向日葵的花语是——沉默的爱。向日葵又叫望日莲,一个很美的名字
The flower language of lavender is to wait for love?
The cactus, outside just in softened the heart. At the beginning of the divine creative force, the cactus is in the world the most delicate thing, as soon as her tender and delicate like water, moved slightly has then lost the life. God does not endure, has added on set of helmet and armor on hers heart, the hard like iron, above also has the offending somebody steel thorn. Henceforth, again also nobody can see heart of the cactus, everything approached her biology to be able the dripping with blood. After very long time, some brave must eradicate this wicked, the sword leaves the knife to fall, the cactus turned two halves, is actually the green liquid. Originally, that is heart which of the cactus seals, as a result of nobody understanding loneliness, turned into the drop drop teardrops